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Sunday, February 22, 2009

New Deron project. Week One wrap-up.

I've been going through alot of inner conflict about my next project. My only enemy is my inner me, as Lupe would say. In working on my follow up to the Red Carpet EP, it's been hard trying to figure out where I wanted my next project to go. In alot of ways, the Red Carpet EP was a big success. Five thousand plus downloads with no major promotion, songs still in rotation in numerous places and on many different deejay's playlists, and just pure great feedback, what more could i ask for? But it's these things that pressure me to do better. I feel like whatever I come out with next has to be ridiculously insane. I want to change the way the people think about DMV artists, not even DMV artists but unsigned artists. Maybe not even that specific, maybe artists period.

I've already done two tracks. The first is called "Killer Filler". I did it with the notion that people would be expecting two bomb songs and some fillers. Well, we don't do that in '09. There is no such thing as a filler, or mediocre track at that. I've also finished a track called "Stay on Mind". R and B/Heartbreak hybrid, you'll be shocked and amazed. = ].

I want to be remembered as one of the greats, and this next project will mirror that thought. So many times we got caught up in the hype, competing with the guy next to us. Well, what about the guy that's walking a mile ahead? I'm trying to compete with Jay and Kanye', Drake and Wayne, whoever sets the standard for success, I want to be where they're at, maybe two or three steps ahead.

So with this next project, I hope to inspire everyone that listens to aspire to live their Dream. We are all given a telent, a gift from God's divine arsenal to go out and do something good in this world. I've already started, what about you?

Dream. Do.

The Alllure EP....coming soon....


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