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Monday, August 11, 2008

Ha-ting on Beijing?

Take that CHINA!

That's what you get for making halphazard products and putting lead in our kids toys. And if you don't know what I'm talking about....TEAM USA DEMOLIShED China on the court today.

So...that made me think of all things that make China SUCK!
Here's a short list. and you're gonna need 2 know yah history for this one.

1. How would you feel if the white man used OPIUM to take your goods? [i'd rather that than just being kidnapped....]

2. Why they be beatin' up on Tibet...ain't errybody BUDDHIST!?!?!?!?

3. A whole chunk of the country left and made they own country....TAIWAN...and they make more stuff than you do.[and i know alotta dudes named taiwan]

4. Japan is cooler.

5. They best basketball player EVER is a mediocre center in the NBA. come on guys?

6. Anything that moves has the possibility of ending up on your dinner plate.

7. The chinese gov't thinks the hole Darfur thing is cool.

8. The air there isn't's more like a nuclear fog.

9. Matter of fact, i think it's the mist. Uber alien mosquitoes included.

10. The biggest city in the country wasnt even a part of china for like ever. Hong Kong.

Now china does have something that I think is cool....1000 year old eggs. I wouldnt eat one but they look cool.

Egh well...
Look out for D. Floyd's "Let it Flow"...produced by MUAH!!!

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